The Islamic Republic of Iran’s ongoing nuclear programme has provoked a major and menacing crisis in its relations with the US and other Western powers. Ali Ansari argues that the crisis is a symptom of broader, long-term fissures in US-Iranian relations, and in Confronting Iran he seeks to disentangle the myths that are at the bottom of this gulf in understanding, which is compounded by the nature of the two states, their foreign policy establishments and the fraught history of their relations since the 1979 revolution.
Ansari reviews the historical antecedents of the crisis, in particular US-Iranian relations since 9/11 and attempts by the EU to broker a settlement acceptable to all parties.
He argues that the European position has been dictated as much by its relations with the US in the wake of the invasion of Iraq as by domestic politics in Iran, and he concludes by assessing the election of Mahmud Ahmadinejad as President and its likely impact on the view from Tehran and Washington.
This account of a potential flash point in relations between the Muslim world and the West could not be timelier.
ISBN: 1850658099
Publisher: C. HURST & CO
Author: ALI M. ANSARI -
Compared to post-invasion Iraq, Afghanistan seems a success story; but first impressions can be misleading. The country remains on a knife-edge, and the loss of momentum in its transition from the Taliban regime puts Afghanistan at grave risk of relapsing into dangerous insecurity.
Although many Afghans have contributed courageously to rescuing their country, and some key benchmarks have been achieved, Afghanistan continues to face severe difficulties. Elite political competition is fierce, and able ministehave been removed when deemed to be occupying too much of the limelight. President Hamid Karzai, while articulate and incorruptible, remains wedded to a politics of bargaining and networking that has seen unappetizing figures promoted to positions they have then abused. This has created space for the resurgence of the Taliban in the south, with Pakistani backing. The new Afghan National Army is proving too expensive to be locally sustainable, and the police force offeonly a pale shadow of what is needed. The predominance of opium in the economy poses the risk that Afghanistan could become a nacre-state, and on a range of human development indicatoit remains one of the world’s poorest countries, with popular frustration rising. While foreign governments have contributed large sums to reconstruction, too much money ahs gone to Western contractors, at the expense of local capacity.
It is not too late to turn things around, but time is running short. Only if the Afghan government re-focuses on the delivery of competent, clean and inclusive governance and the wider world ensures that its commitments match its rhetoric, is it at all likely that disaster can be avoided.
ISBN: 1850658463
Publisher: C. HURST & CO
Anti-Americanism is a far homogenous phenomenon, even in the Islamic world, where the press would sometimes want to convince us that a near unanimous hostility to the United States exists. This book, by dint of on the ground research into Muslim views of the ‘Great Satan’, shows that far more sophisticated explanations are called for. Traditional respect for America’s role in the world remains strong in several countries, while in othedeep antagonism remains. The key determinant of the latter is US foreign policy.
The contributions to this book range widely over the underlying causes, manifestations and recent development of anti-Americanism in the Middle East, the Maghreb, sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. Among the topics discussed are the historical antecedents of fear or hatred of America, the cultural and economic aspirations that bind many Muslims to the American model despite entrenched prejudices and official attitudes, and the diversity of opinion on the costs and benefits of emulating the American way of life. From this comprehensive account it emerges that the tide of opinion does not flow in a single direction, and there are many opportunities for mutual respect and understanding to grow between the United States and some of its more vocal critics.
ISBN: 1850657890
Publisher: C. HURST & CO